Mon - Fri : 09 - 17:00




Sensing platform

Citymind is a system that collects data in the field and unifies it in a friendly web environment.

With a single glance you can know the water levels in reservoirs or irrigation canals, soil moisture, the level of garbage in a container, count objects and people in the open field, measure air purity, detect sources of mass fires wooded and much more...

Call us: +034 655844086

It does not matter if it is a town, a city, a building, a campsite or a hotel

We can collect all the information you didn't have until now and summarize it for you so you can make decisions based on reality.

More details

More than


different sensors

More than


objects detectable by our AI

More than


configurable parameters



and what happens after getting the data?

The data collected by the sensors can be of many types: images processed by the AI, temperature measurements, level of liquids or solids, noise, energy consumption, air pollution, vehicle positioning... Once collected by our software, they are summarized, condensed and related to each other to end up in a personalized graphic control panel.

Is there a fire hazard in this wooded mass?
What is the flow of water in this irrigation canal? Could it overflow?
How much noise do residents in this area experience? Is it within the legal margins?
What is the electricity consumption of each plot that I rent in my campsite?

Very powerful technology at a very low cost

LoraWAN Network

Spectacular coverage with very few elements

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Open Source code

Virtually all the software we use and build is based on open source.

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High precision sensors

We use sensors with a contained price but robust and precise. In most cases the battery powers them between 3 and 5 years.

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Big Data

Our software can collect and process hundreds of readings per second and we are constantly improving it.

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Artificial intelligence

We train our own AI systems to answer almost any specific need.

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Information consolidation

We write the necessary software to collect information from different sources that our clients may have.

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